Brush Your Teeth Activity
Help young kids learn to brush and floss teeth with this fun activity!
Featured in MVP Kids “Smile for the Dentist” book for children ages 4-8 years old, this fun and simple activity helps children learn the importance of brushing and flossing!
White Styrofoam egg carton
Yellow washable tempera paint (or any color and use your imagination!)
Soft inexpensive toothbrush
Yarn or string about 1 foot long
Bowl of water
Toothpaste (optional)
Activity Steps:
1. Paint your egg carton teeth
Turn your egg carton upside down and pretend it is a set of teeth. (You can pretend it’s a set of hippopotamus teeth if you want!) Paint the bottom of the egg carton yellow (or if your hippopotamus likes pumpkin, paint it orange!), making sure to paint the spaces between the cups. Let dry.
2. Brush Brush Brush!
Dip the toothbrush in the bowl of water and brush the egg cups with the goal of removing all of the paint.
3. Floss! Floss! Floss!
Use the yarn as you would use dental floss to get the yellow off between the egg cups.
4. Rinse & Repeat
Rinse the carton and check for yellow; continue working on steps 2 & 3 until all the paint is off the egg carton.
5. Share with us!
Share your egg carton teeth and what your family learned about brushing your teeth with us @realmvpkids!
Bonus: Learn more ways to promote personal hygiene and have fun growing up in the rest of our MVP Kids books! From celebrating everyday moments of childhood like MealTime and BedTime, to building character to social and emotional learning, MVP Kids products have it all! Learn more about our Celebrate! series today!