0-4 Years Old: Nurture Character

0-4 Years Old: Nurture Character

$12.29 every 2 months for 1 year

TWO Board Books every other month

0-4 years old is a great time for your child to start learning about important character traits, such as kindness, confidence, and more in simple ways. The Journey to Character Monthly Book Club for 0-4 year olds offers durable board books that fit perfectly into your child’s hands and meaningful concepts that fit perfectly into your child’s development.

Look for the Helpful Teaching Tips at the back of each book that help parents and mentors take the lessons in each book from head to heart to hands.

This book club is a bi-monthly program, so you will receive two board books every other month for a total of six packages, twelve books.

Savings of $16.14!



When will I be charged?

Subscriptions are charged to your credit card on the date of purchase and will continue to renew on that date each month for a total of 12 months. For example, if you were to sign up on the 5th of the month, you would be charged that day, as well as on the 5th of every month after that. 

When will I get my subscription bundle?

Your package will be shipped on the day your card is charged, and you should receive your package between 6-12 business days after that. For example, if you sign up on the 5th of the month, your package will be shipped within 24 hours and you would receive the package between the 11th – 17th of that month. That will repeat every month for as long as your card is being charged. 

Can I change which day of the month my card is charged?

Yes, that is possible. Please reach out to us at info@MVPKids.com so we can assist you in this. 

What do I do if I want to cancel?

You can cancel anytime by emailing info@MVPKids.com. If your package for that month has already shipped, we will not be able to issue a full refund for that month’s package, but will remove you from receiving any future packages. 

Can I substitute or change which books come in the packages?

With this program, we are not able to offer substitutions. If there is another book you would like to purchase, we ask that you visit our shop to purchase that book. 

What happens when the program is over?

Once you have been in the program for 12 months, your card will automatically stop being charged. There is nothing you need to do to cancel your subscription. If you enjoyed being in the program (which we hope you did), you can sign up for the next age group, or check out other books in our shop that may not have been included in this program.