Give Up Greed

Being Generous is Healthy for You

There are a lot of mental health benefits to giving and serving others. This article shows how being generous actually increases your life span.

Teaching Children Generosity

Here are some articles that offer different way to help instill generosity in kids:

Tips for Raising Generous Kids:

Giving – The Best Gift of All

Why is giving things away hard?

Giving away your belongings even if you don’t need them anymore can be hard. This article reveals some of the reasons and emotions we feel that make it difficult.

Starting young.

The earlier children are exposed to generosity and sharing, the easier it will be for them later. Here are some resources on teaching generosity at a young age and how to continue as they get older.

11 Ways to Teach Your Child to Share

Generous Kids at Any Age

How to Talk to Kids about Poverty

Talking to kids about homelessness and poverty can be a difficult subject. Here are some helpful tips to handling those hard conversations.

Talking to Kids About Poverty

World Poverty Day: Conversation Starters to Use with Kids