Defeat Disobedience

The Importance of Setting Limits for Your Child

When parents establish rules for their children it helps them feel safe and secure. Here are five ways set and maintain limits in your house:

How to positively set limits and state expectations:

When kids disobey, emotions can run high. Here are ten ways you can stick to the rules with your child:

Why Training Your Child to Obey the First Time is Key

Requiring first time obedience can be taught in a loving way that will help keep your child safe.

This article has the answer to the question “Why do you have to tell them five times?” and solutions to helping you with parenting strategies:

Natural & Logical Consequences

How teachers and educators look at obedience and consequences in the classroom:

How to make sure the consequences you give to your kids teach a helpful lesson that will help them in the long-term:

When to use or not use natural consequences:

Chronic & Extreme Disobedience

Chronic disobedience and when to seek additional help:

The negative effects extreme disobedience have on children and the home environment and information about conduct disorders and oppositional defiant disorder: