Celebrate! A Heroic Halloween

Halloween and Psychology

Child Psychologists are intrigued by Halloween and the influence costumes and other traditions have on children.

Discover how fear influences the brain with this article from The Atlantic.

How do you know what is too scary for your child? What benefits can fear have?

Age-by-age guide for helping children understand and overcome phobias:

Dress-up and Costumes

Why is dress-up and pretend play important for children? How is Halloween different from other times of dress-up play?
Find out here: https://www.naeyc.org/our-work/families/halloween-vs-pretend-play

Sweets and Treats

Which candies are more damaging to your teeth? When is the best time to eat all the Halloween candy? The American Dental Association gives tips for Halloween from a dental health perspective.

Did you know there’s a secret code for families who will give allergy-friendly treats at Halloween? A teal painted pumpkin signifies that you can ask the treat-giver for a treat that will suit your child with special dietary needs.
Learn more here: https://www.foodallergy.org/education-awareness/teal-pumpkin-project

Checks and Buy-Backs

Find out about candy checks through your local police or fire departments.

You can check your child’s candy at home by following these simple steps. Don’t forget to examine under good lighting!

Candy buy-back programs are growing! Look for one near you with the search feature on this page. You can also send candy directly to the program if there are no locations near you.

Several charities will take your extra Halloween candy.