Wrapped In Foil Review
“This is a series that educators and caregivers will love.”
Check out the newest review of our two board books, “Celebrate! Our Differences™” and “Celebrate! The Way I’m Made™”. Wrapped in Foil Blogger, Roberta Gibson loves helping children find their own love of reading. Follow the link to see why she loved our MVP Kids books!
Celebrate! The Way I’m Made by Sophia Day, Megan Johnson, and illustrated by Stephanie Strouse reveals how each person is an individual, with their own special traits, weaknesses, and strengths.
The text explains all the ways children look differently and act differently, and each two-page spread repeats the self-esteem promoting message:
“I am good the way I’m made.”
Each board book in the Celebrate! series has a “Helpful Teaching Tips” section, which explains the concepts behind the text and offers concrete ways to use them. For example, for this book they suggest children should be exposed to five positive messages or interactions for every negative one. It also gives hints about how to talk about the differences children of that age are beginning to notice.
Celebrate! Our Differences by Sophia Day, Megan Johnson, and illustrated by Stephanie Strouse helps children to respect the uniqueness of others, and pairs nicely with the title above.
“It’s okay to look, but please don’t point or stare.
Let’s celebrate our differences instead of being scared.”
In the “Helpful Teaching Tips” section educators and caregivers learn how to carefully choose their words, and to gently correct children to show them how their words might be unintentionally hurtful.
What I particularly enjoyed about this title was the explanation that yellow flowers are a symbol of friendship and the fact that the artist has included yellow flowers in every spread for young readers to find.
The Celebrate! board books help readers learn about and respect themselves and others. As their titles say, it is all to Inspire Character®.
Follow this link to read her full review: http://blog.wrappedinfoil.com/