Keep Check on Feelings with Real MVP Kids
“Books make a great way to start conversations with kids about any problems they may have. The Real MVP Kids have some great books to help start and continue those conversations.”
After teaching for fourteen years, Andrea Crawford is now a reading specialist who inspires students to love reading and empowers educators to reach every student. She absolutely loves Real MVP Kids® books and the lessons they teach children. Check out her full review on our newest releases here.
“Being a teacher and parent isn’t always easy. Kids have problems they have to deal with, and we always have to find ways to help them out. Books make a great way to start conversations with kids about any problems they may have. The Real MVP Kids have some great books to help start and continue those conversations.
“They have recently released some new books and have some more coming out soon that you are bound to love!
“And the discussion questions at the end of each book and story! These make it really simple to talk to kids, especially when they don’t want to talk about them. It helps children better understand that their own feelings may be the same as other children.
“Leo struggles with letting go of his sad and angry feelings in the book Leo’s Pent-Up Feelings. At his horse lesson, he realizes the horse senses his own feelings of uncertainty and sadness. He must find a way to help release those feelings and work toward a more serene experience with the horse.
“Limit Laziness is a perfect book for summertime! We are always more lazy in the summer, me included, and this one hit home! It contains three stories to show how being lazy hurts us more than helps us. “Annie’s Lazy Day” reminds me of my own kids in the summer. Some days they are super tired because they have done nothing all day long. Once they start moving, it all comes back to them!”