Celebrating Life’s Moments for Young Children
“All in all, these simple and fun board books will help young children understand the diversity of our world and prepare them for the life ahead of them.”
Reading specialist, Andrea Crawford, enthusiastically reviewed Real MVP Kids® Celebrate! Series™. Andrea was a teacher for 14 years. She is currently a reading specialist and mother of two kids. To read her full review, visit the This Literacy Lifeblog.
“The board books have such fun characters from many different nationalities. These children help children of all backgrounds identify with them. So many times, books focus on one nationality and children can’t associate their feelings with the kids. The end of the books has teaching tips for parents and teachers. The Celebrate books by Real MVP Kidsappeal to children of all walks of life.
Celebrate Family and Life
“The books are also written in a fun way to help children understand a way to work through every day problems or understand everyone’s differences. Celebrating Family and Life with the Real MVP Kids will help young children see everyday life in a new way.
Celebrate Holidays
“In the holidays books, the kids all show different ways they celebrate various holidays. These books give all children a glimpse into how others celebrate various holidays, even here in America. They also give young children background information about those holidays.
Celebrate New Places
“At this young age, children may feel insecure or fearful of going to places like the doctor or dentist. This series of books will help them get through those tough times and make it easier to understand what might happen when they are there. It is nothing to be afraid of.
“All in all, these simple and fun board books will help young children understand the diversity of our world and prepare them for the life ahead of them.”