Celebrate! Going to the Doctor with @readingwithremi
“Unexpected Greatness Alert! Today is National Doctor’s Day, so I tried finding a book I liked about doctors and ordered this off Amazon, and I was literally blown away!”
Thank you Jessica from @readingwithremi for sharing your review of our board book, “Celebrate! Going to the Doctor.” Jessica is a psychologist who specializes in trauma/PTSD and maternal mental health issues. She is passionate about reading from infancy, especially with her young son. When she stumbled across one of our books on Amazon, she was blown away. Below is an excerpt from her review, click here to read her full review on her Instagram page.
“Unexpected Greatness Alert!
“Today is National Doctor’s Day, so I tried finding a book I liked about doctors and ordered this off Amazon, and I was literally blown away! The first thing that drew me to this book was how the doctor was a woman. Unfortunately, many depictions of doctors are male in children’s books, so I was delighted to see this.
“Next, was the diversity of the children and families in the illustrations. Not only diversity in skin tone, but also physical ability, as well as the gender of the parent/caregiver that is with the child at the appointment.
“The real home run for me was a page that discussed how a doctor might look at parts of the body that others should not see, but if a parent is there it is okay (swipe right to see actual verbiage). As someone who works with sexual abuse survivors, this was a very important message that was delivered in a relatable manner.”