Activate Kindness!
Today, November 13, is World Kindness Day. All acts of kindness can make a BIG difference in your family, your classroom, your community, and in our world! To help celebrate this special day, MVP Kids Activate Monthly Book Club is highlighting stories about kindness. Sign up for this month’s bundle of books here and learn more about being kind just like Olivia, Leo, Miriam, Ezekiel, LeBron and the rest of the MVP Kids.
4 BOOKs that teach kindness
I Can Take Time to Think
Sometimes when children feel frustrated, mad, or upset, they don’t act in the kindest way. They say things without thinking, and their actions cause others to feel sad, angry, or confused. How can children activate kindness in moments like these? They can tuck and think!
In our series I Can Be an MVP™, Sophia Day presents tools to manage emotions and think of solutions to problems. Children will learn how to practice a calming strategy when emotions feel too big.
Buy I Can Take Time to Think today and look for these kindness activators inside the book:
Tuck and Think Strategies
Solve It! Game Ideas
Helpful Teaching Tips
Light of Kindness
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” In a world full of darkness, how can someone brighten up the world? Loving kindness!
In Sophia Day’s Light of Kindness, LeBron discovers the power of kindness through the stars in the night sky. Readers will learn practical ways to spread kindness to family, friends, and their community.
Buy Light of Kindness today and receive the Mighty Token of Kindness as you look for these kindness activators inside the book:
5 Practical Ways to let your Light of Kindness shine bright
Imagine If ... Discussion Guide
Give Up Greed
As we enter the holiday season, the excitement of gifts and presents can quickly get out of control and lead to greed. How can families intentionally choose joy over greed? Spend the day with Ezekiel, Miriam, and Leo as they learn how to Give Up Greed and find out how generosity can greatly impact those around them.
Buy Give Up Greed today and overcome greed as you look for these kindness activators inside the book:
Ways to be generous with your time, resources, and words
Leo’s Little Monsters Activity
Think & Talk About It Guides
Olivia Uproots the Arrogant Weed
It’s hard to be kind and consider others when you are feeling arrogant. How do parents teach kids hard topics like humility, compassion, and respect over arrogance, judgement, and prejudice?
With the help of Henric the friendly garden gnome, Sophia Day presents these hard lessons in a fun, engaging, relatable way in Olivia Uproots the Arrogant Weed.
Buy Olivia Uproots the Arrogant Weed and dig deep with Olivia to cultivate a well balanced self-esteem as you look for these kindness activators inside the book:
Humility Poem
Showing Gratitude Ideas
Learn & Discuss Guide
Parenting Tips on balancing confidence and humility
We would love to hear how your family is activating kindness, today on World Kindness Day, or any day throughout the year. Inspire others and tag us on social media (@realMVPkids) with ways your family activates kindness.