5 sobering facts about our children's mental health (and what we need to do about it)
Kids are in crisis
In 2021, the US Surgeon General announced that Youth Mental Health has become a public health crisis. (Source)
1 in 4 youth have clinically elevated symptoms of depression (Source)
There’s a reported 17% increase of screen use among youth between 2019 to 2021 (Source)
Children’s mental health is parent’s #1 concern (Source)
Early childhood experiences affect long term health and learning (Source)
What we need to do about it
1. Foster Connectedness: With the increasing availability and addictive algorithms of information, social media, and consumerism in our culture, it’s becoming widely understood that our interconnected world is starving its inhabitants of meaningful connections. At MVP Kids, we foster connections by creating meaningful entertainment for caregivers and children to enjoy together. Our MVP Kids, the stars of our products, grow up alongside readers, providing friendship and consistency. In addition, our kids and their families are shown in the context of connected relationships. Characters seek out advice from parents, neighbors, teachers, coaches, and other mentors in their lives. In a world where many children sit alone watching videos of another child sitting alone, MVP Kids provides a world of connection and models of genuine community.
2. Inspire Imagination: Our children are growing up in a world of passive entertainment where imagination and initiative suffer. MVP Kids strives to awaken imagination through stories that model creative thinking and productivity. Our MVP Kids are often shown learning through hands-on crafts and STEM experiments, solving problems, and caring for others in ways that inspire the real child to consider how her or she might learn, solve problems, or care for their own friends. Imagination is a key to joy, as children learn how their own creative thoughts can benefit others and discover satisfaction in good ideas put to practice.
3. Equip Parents: The pressures and influences on children are relentless today, with media and entertainment in the center of the battle. Parents need entertainment options for kids of all ages that they can trust. MVP Kids focuses our entertainment on a child’s journey to character, promoting only the most widely accepted values and providing parent resources, discussion guides, tips, and opportunities for important conversations.
4. Build Skills: Much of our culture is centered on feelings, but knowledge about emotion seems increasingly subjective. MVP Kids teaches skills to master feelings, to define them, understand them physiologically, and to rule over one’s self with a balance of understanding emotion while applying wisdom. Our Instill curriculum and home toolkits, growing library of nearly 100 titles, puppets, and television shows integrate self-management and social skills into entertaining media, modeling and helping children understand and acquire skills to know themselves, care for others, and explore their world.
5. Affirm Values: Our world is changing at the speed of light. New technologies and ideas are introduced so quickly it can be disorienting for adults and confusing for children. Without anchoring values, how does one evaluate new ideas, make confident choices, and build a meaningful life? MVP Kids focuses on promoting tried and true values- connection, kindness, responsibility, and community- in a way that prepares future adults to succeed in the real world.
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